Infinity: Diversity Matters, LLC
Infinity: Diversity Matters, LLC
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for Business Leaders and Non-Educational Institutions
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for Business Leaders and Non-Educational Institutions
The following professional learning modules are geared with a focus on business organizations and leaders who want to learn how to lead internal diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) efforts. Participants will learn core strategies, tactics, and resources to help facilitate conversations and drive change within their organizations around topics of DEI.
It’s important to reflect on your organization and identify possible areas of bias or homogeneity. It is crucial in the 21st century that organizations shift mindsets from understanding diversity and inclusion to a mindset of creating action to an enhanced diverse and inclusive workplace.

Photo credit: #WOCinTech Chat
No two companies will require precisely the same type of training, so the modules will be customized to meet your needs. The ultimate goal for DEI in the workplace is to create an environment where everyone feels seen and heard!

The various modules will address the following,
but are not limited to:
The various modules will address the following,
but are not limited to:
Introduction to Self-Awareness and Empathy
A key component of diversity and inclusion leadership strategy
Cultural Humility
The practice of challenging biases and prejudices in the workplace (including one's own)
Awareness of Social Identity
Gaining an understanding of who an individual is based on the groups they belong to
Challenging Structural Inequalities
Assessing institutional patterns that provide advantages or disadvantages to members of the workplace based on race or identity
Designing an All-Encompassing Sustainability Model
Ensuring diversity and inclusion are a part of your organization's long-term focus
Understanding Diversity:
Beyond Race and Gender
Understanding Diversity:
Beyond Race and Gender
This session focus is defining the eight core components of diversity. This presentation uses the unique experiences of individuals to explore key concepts such as identity, power, privilege, and cross-cultural communication. The Stages of Cultural Competency will be examined to gain an insightful understanding for our shared experiences of difference, expectations of respect, and need to belong and feel appreciated. Individuals will be encouraged to identify best practices to enhance workplace inclusivity.
The Impact of Microaggressions:
Restorative Responses
The Impact of Microaggressions:
Restorative Responses
This session will enhance awareness of daily microaggressions and micro messages. The outcomes associated with these subtle messages will be explored. Restorative techniques to minimize the occurrence of microaggressions will also be addressed. Themes of race-based micro-aggressions will be discussed to identify the impact of internal and psychological consequences for victims and targets of microaggressions.
Using Cultural Intelligence to Manage Bias: 21st Century Critical Skill
Using Cultural Intelligence to Manage Bias: 21st Century Critical Skill
Cultural Intelligence (CQ) is the ability to work effectively across various cultural contexts (e.g., national, ethnic, organizational, generational, etc.) With high CQ we are less likely to act on our biases. CQ helps minimize the application of bias by building our knowledge, strategy, and ability to take intentional actions. As we build our CQ, we learn to move from reacting unconsciously, to taking more conscious, intentional actions. This session will include identifying the various types of biases and how individuals can apply the four CQ’s to minimize acting on their biases.
Culturally Relevant-
Responsive Practices
Culturally Relevant-
Responsive Practices
This session will focus on the knowledge and skills to reach students and their families who are culturally and racially different from you. Participants will explore their own assumptions about race, class, and culture; and review best practices that are culturally responsive. Principles of Culturally Responsiveness will be the focus inclusive of the elements of cultural relevance. In this session, the importance of educators consciously working at transforming their professional practices so that students and their families feel welcomed and valued.
Social-Emotional Learning:
Critical 21st Century Skill
Social-Emotional Learning:
Critical 21st Century Skill
Research has overwhelmingly demonstrated that Social Emotional Learning (SEL) has a positive effect on students’ achievement the impact of social emotional learning on student outcomes and future life success is essential. Education leaders are on the frontlines of an uncertain educational system. With students facing heightened levels of stress and anxiety, it is more important than ever to measure, understand, and support SEL. This session will include a set of SEL intervention ideas to help adults meet the social-emotional needs of students. These low-lift, actionable strategies are designed to build relationships, foster sense of belonging, and improve the emotional climate in school communities. Participants will be introduced to the 5 Core SEL competencies via the Center of Academics and Social-emotional Learning.
A Framework for Understanding Poverty
A Framework for Understanding Poverty
Students from low-income families typically experience a variety of pressures outside of school that influence their academic performance within school. Poor health and nutrition, concerns related to violence and crime, and housing instability, are just some of the challenges. Additionally, these conditions often have an impact upon the perspective’s students have about their future. This presentation will focus on the basic premise to assist community-based organizations working with adults and children surviving in poverty to better understand their reality and to positively impact the opportunities for children and their families. This session will also focus on the “Hidden Rules” of poverty, middle class and wealth giving individuals and organizations an enhanced understanding of the value and belief system of those surviving in poverty.
Family and Community Engagement:
It Matters!
Family and Community Engagement:
It Matters!
What is family engagement? And is there a difference between involvement and engagement? This professional learning session will address the importance of what family members do to support their child’s progress and learning at home, at school, with their children outside of school, and in the community.
Diversity and Inclusion-I Understand You:
Capitalizing on Workplace Inclusion
Diversity and Inclusion-I Understand You:
Capitalizing on Workplace Inclusion
This session will examine topics around workplace diversity and inclusion: what it means, how people differ from each other, and concrete actions individuals can take to widen their circles and develop authentic relationships with others.
Generational Differences: Bridging the Gap: Understanding Generations at Work
Generational Differences: Bridging the Gap: Understanding Generations at Work
Differences among your co-workers in work styles, communication preferences, work habits, are sometimes linked to the generation in which the person was born. Sometimes we can see patterns in those work preferences and behaviors that coincide with the generation into which a person was born. Providing professional learning for generations in the workplace can help your teams to better understand each other, avoid unnecessary conflict or miscommunications, and work more effectively together.
Talking to Your Children About Race & Racism
Talking to Your Children About Race & Racism
Participants in this session will learn why race and racism are important topics to discuss with children ranging from as young as 3-years-old to 18-years-old. Additional resources will be offered for attendees who are looking for supplemental information.
Imposter Syndrome: What is it? And Is It Real?
Imposter Syndrome: What is it? And Is It Real?
In this session, participants will begin to grapple with some of the barriers preventing them from tapping into their power and achieving at high levels. The Imposter Syndrome will be thoroughly defined, in addition to the impact that it has on leaders of color specifically.
Public Education Through a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Lens
Public Education Through a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Lens
The educational field has the responsibility to assess and reexamine its entire system of unintentional/intentional and impactful systemic marginalization, particularly of the BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) community. This session will include a panel of experts sharing their experiences with challenging their own systems by creating innovative work within the realm of diversity, equity and inclusion.
Creating an Inclusive Environment
Creating an Inclusive Environment
Imagine carrying the added emotional weight of having to deny and suppress one of the most fundamental aspects of who you are—your gender identity—because it does not conform with society’s norms regarding gender expression. This session will involve discussion of the basics of gender identity and its relationship to birth sex and sexual orientation. There will also be an explanation of terminology and language, along with best practices to create a safe and welcoming environment for transgender, gender diverse, intersex and gender binary students and adults. The aim of the workshop is to improve knowledge of trans communities, demystify any misunderstandings and build empathy for authentic understanding.
Critical Conversations:
Civil Unrest and Racial Injustice
Critical Conversations:
Civil Unrest and Racial Injustice
This workshop is designed to aid adults in engaging in critical conversations about how to help children and students navigate crises, express their feelings on civil unrest and explain the impact of racial injustice. Participants will explore tools and resources they can use to engage in dialogue with children without creating a sense of marginalization.
Stereotypes and Biases
Stereotypes and Biases
Build more insightful awareness in the workplace around
biases and systematic discrimination against any group.
Understand Your Organization
Understand Your Organization
Uncover tools you can use to to analyze your organization's diversity and inclusion mission, as well as how to be aware of customers' or vendors'
expectations for policies of diversity & inclusion.
Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence (EQ) training for employees is a comprehensive learning initiative designed to build the required skills that develop into emotional intelligence. This training program will focus on the four core EQ skill categories: awareness, control, social, and relationships. The 5 pillars of EQ will also be discussed.
How to Create a Sustainable Business Model
How to Create a Sustainable Business Model
Learn how to design an all-encompassing sustainability model for ensuring diversity & inclusion is part of your organization's long-term focus and a focus on Organizational culture & accountability.
Understanding "Isms": What Are They?
And How Do We Confront Them?
Understanding "Isms": What Are They?
And How Do We Confront Them?
Explore, avoid, and overcome "isms" in the workplace. Equip your team with the tools needed to heighten the level of awareness surrounding the various "isms" that can impact workplace environment. This workshop will define "isms" and explore the best restorative responses to these incidents.